Meet the Orchestra Ugne Tiskute

Ugne plays in the Orchestra's viola section.

How did you become involved with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO)?

Six years ago, whilst I was still a student at the Royal Academy of Music in London, I thought I would give it a chance and apply – I had nothing to lose, I thought! My audition was super early at 9am, and it was a cold day just before Christmas – I remember that day like yesterday. I had a chance to play for the panel, successfully received a trial with the RPO and, very soon after, became a member. Time really flies as a member of this great orchestra!

What was your first experience of orchestral music?

My mum is a violinist and was my first teacher in Lithuania, where I am originally from. I was surrounded by music and her lessons from an early age. When I was in high school, I had a chance to train and perform with the Kodály Zoltán World Youth Orchestra in Hungary and it was the best time I ever had as a teenager. I made so many friends and played for hours in a huge symphony orchestra, learning so much from my amazing young colleagues.

How did you find yourself on this career journey?

The path to becoming a professional musician was not always smooth and straight-forward. It required a lot of patience with myself and there have also been a lot of lessons to learn along the way. The journey still continues and as a performer you are always learning and feel inspired to keep being better.

What is the best thing about being part of the RPO?

The people! That makes everything so much better. Their spirits and personalities. Every member of the RPO puts a lot of heart and love into this job.

Tell us about your favourite RPO journey.

I have so many good memories from travelling since I have joined the Orchestra. My favourite destination would have to be the USA – performing at Carnegie Hall in New York was a real highlight. As part of the RPO, I get a chance to see places that perhaps I wouldn’t normally go to on holiday. Just a few weeks ago, I went to Japan with RPO and it was my first time there. It was an absolutely incredible place, with such warm and enthusiastic audiences.

Do you have any pre-concert rituals?

To take my mind away for a bit, I listen to audio books, go for a little walk and make sure I eat something nice!

Must listens – if you had to recommend one artist or composer, who would it be and why?

Ettore Causa. He is one of the most inspirational teachers and I had the chance to study with him at the Menuhin String Academy in Gstaad. You must listen to his viola playing – I am in love with every note he plays!

If you could work with any artist on a performance or project, who would you choose?

I would love to work with my childhood idol, Maxim Vengerov. I grew up listening to his recordings and watched all of his masterclasses on YouTube. It would also be incredible to play with pianist Martha Argerich again – an unforgettable experience!

Away from music, tell us two of your favourite hobbies and why they strike such a chord.

I enjoy teaching so much – violin and viola, to young students. When I work with them I forget what time is it, so I could almost state it as a hobby! Away from music, my second hobby is salsa dancing. I have been dancing for quite a few years now. I was at the Croatian Summer Salsa Festival this summer. It’s a great active hobby that keeps me away from stress and also gives me lots of happiness!

Dream dinner party – who would you invite, what would you cook?

David Goggins, Mark Manson, Paulo Coelho, Sir David Attenborough and Marc Anthony. An inspiring crowd with a pinch of salsa tunes. We would eat sushi and Lithuanian Šaltibarščiai, as it’s one of my favourite things to eat!

Ugne Tiškutė gratefully acknowledges the support of her Chair Patron, Jo Whiterod.

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