(c) Andy Paradise

On Thursday 1 August, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra made its annual appearance at the BBC Proms with a concert of Ives, RavelDebussy and Tchaikovsky, with Music Director Vasily Petrenko conducting and pianist Denis Kozhukhin.

Listen back on BBC Sounds

Read on to see photos and reviews from the night.

Photos (c) Andy Paradise

 This is the 4th time Vasily Petrenko has conducted the RPO at the BBC Proms. 

The concert commenced with Ives' Three Places in New England, a work that intricately weaves American folk tunes with complex orchestration to evoke the historical and cultural essence of New England. This was followed by Ravel's Piano Concerto in G major, performed by Denis Kozhukhin, who brought out the Concerto's jazz influences and sparkling virtuosity.

Denis Kozhukhin, first-prize winner of the Queen Elisabeth Competition in 2010

In the second half, Debussy's Nocturnes enveloped the hall in a world of shimmering impressionistic colours. The evening concluded with Tchaikovsky's Francesca da Rimini, a symphonic poem inspired by Dante's Inferno

"All details came through with pinpoint precision in a score this venue doesn’t easily favour, and Petrenko kept tabs on Kozhukhin even in the final sprint" Art Desk ☆☆☆☆☆

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"Characterful, rhythmically complex woodwind and brass solos interplay with the playful piano lines... and the virtuosity of the orchestra’s key players is brought into shiny realisation." Ellen Wilkinson, The Upcoming ☆☆☆☆☆

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"The outer movements were as brisk and near-ephemeral as you’d want, the sudden nonchalant shifts of texture and dynamic in the orchestra... all delivered with precision and commitment under Petrenko’s artful control." OMH

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In the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra's 2024–25 season, Vasily Petrenko conducts music by Stravinsky, Bartók, Shostakovich, Strauss and Tchaikovsky at the Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall and the Royal Albert Hall.

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