Michael Petrov, cellist

This Thursday, 6 June, we're delighted to share the stage with esteemed cellist Michael Petrov for our highly anticipated 'Elar's Cello Concerto' concert by the sea at Bexhill De La Warr Pavilion, as part of Bexhill Festival of Music, 2019.

Michael won the Guildhall School of Music gold medal in 2014; first prize in the Trondheim Competition in 2015 and the Wigmore prize in 2017. 

Nominated by the Barbican as ECHO Rising Star in 2015, Michael has performed all over the world including the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Cité de la Musique Paris, Musikverein Vienna, Budapest Palace of Arts, Kölner Philharmonie, Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Carnegie’s Weill Hall and throughout China.

We caught up with Michael between rehearsals to talk about his upcoming concerts with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

What inspired you to choose a career in music?
My parents did. They’re both musicians, both pianists. My mum is a piano teacher and my dad is a jazz pianist, so at a very early age I didn’t have much choice! I remember not even enjoying music for quite a few years, but now that has obviously changed and I love it to bits.

What can audiences expect from your performances?
Well, I hope that my performances will be good, they will see my passion for the music, and they will not be bored, because that is the worst thing, being bored in concerts!

What goes through your mind just before you go on stage?
It varies greatly, but I tend to get quite nervous these days and I try to focus my mind to think about what agendas I should have while performing, not focusing on technique, but just listening. I make myself listen because that is the most important thing that we do.

What advice would you give to an aspiring cellist?
My advice would be to practise, a lot! Quality of practise is very important obviously, but so is quantity, so lots of good practise and passion and curiosity.

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