Principal Contrabassoon
Fraser Gordon trained at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, graduating with First Class Honours and winning all the performance prizes available to him.
He joined the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in 2012 and has since enjoyed touring both the UK and the globe. Off stage, touring highlights include hiring (preferably yellow) Mustangs in the USA, hitching a lift on a tractor up a mountain in Azerbaijan, climbing the Mexican Sun pyramids and tobogganing down the Great Wall of China.
Fraser has always had a keen interest in education and holds the post of Head of Woodwind at the Royal Academy of Music alongside being responsible for the lowest notes in the RPO. He is the sixth contrabassoonist since the Orchestra’s formation and plays on two Heckel contrabassoons, each formerly belonging to a previous RPO contrabassoonist.
Fraser is currently on sabbatical.
Fraser gratefully acknowledges the support of his Chair Patrons, Peter and Sarah Harris.